These are the Fundamental Rights which the Brown government has opted out of. This amounts to nothing less than an all-out attack by Brown & Co on the fundamental rights of people in Britain!
You, Europe, and your rights
The Government is blocking an EU charter which would protect these fundamental rights for British people. Why?
The Independent, 22 June 2007
Prohibition of eugenic practices, particularly those aiming at the selection of person. Article 3
What's at stake: Science is seeking to eradicatedisabilities by genetic manipulation. It might be possible for parents to order a "designer" baby.
Expert opinion: "I would be totally opposed to any attempt to socially engineer people."
Ian Gibson, vice-president, Royal Society for Public Understanding of Science
No one should be subjected to torture. Article 4
What's at stake: Since the invasion of Iraq, British soldiers have found themselves in the dock over the abuse of civilian detainees
Expert opinion: "It is all the more deplorable when some of the most powerful men on earth seek to justify the use of torture."
Moazzam Begg, a torture victim and former prisoner in Guantanamo Bay
Human trafficking
Trafficking in human beings is prohibited. Article 5
What's at stake: This year the UN said that human trafficking had reached epidemic proportions. The Home Office said that in 2003, 4,000 women were trafficked into the UK for sexual exploitation
Expert opinion: "It is shameful that this country is trying to duck out of a charter that specifically prohibits child trafficking."
Louise Christian, human rights lawyer
Data protection
Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her. Article 8
What's at stake: A vast amount of data is stored on each of us already. From 2010, ID cards will be compulsory for anyone applying for a passport in the UK.
Expert opinion: "It's... a safeguard to protect the right of the individual in relation to the state."
Maurice Frankel, director, Campaign for Freedom of Information
Right to protest
Everyone has the right to freedom of assembly and of association. Article 12
What's at stake: Anti-war protests prompted the Government to bring in legislation to prevent unlicensed demos within quarter of a mile of Parliament
Expert opinion: "Allowing dissent in the form of peaceful protest is the hallmark of a country that understands respect for human rights."
Kate Allen, Amnesty International UK director
Working rights
Every citizen of the Union has the freedom to seek employment... in any Member state. Article 15
What's at stake: The Conservatives' fear is that Poles and other east Europeans have taken up jobs and housing at British workers' expense
Expert opinion: "People who come to work in the UK are providing vital services which would collapse without them."
Brendan Barber, TUC general secretary
No one can be removed to a state where there is a serious risk of torture. Article 19
What's at stake: The Government's determination to deport terror suspects to countries with questionable human rights records
Expert opinion: "In an effort to circumvent its obligations, the Government has secured 'memoranda of understanding' with Jordan, Libya and Lebanon."
Shami Chakrabarti, Liberty director
Industrial action
Workers have the right to take collective action to defend their interests, including strike action. Article 28
What's at stake: The right to strike has been restricted in the UK since the 1980s. There are rules about ballots andpicketing. None of these restrictions is mentioned in the charter
Expert opinion: "We back the right to strike, to negotiate, to fight against unfair dismissal."
John Monks, European TUC leader
Child exploitation
The employment of children is prohibited... except for limited derogations. Article 32
What's at stake: Could be a threat to family-run corner shops where children help out, or to the pocket money others earn from babysitting or paper rounds
Expert opinion: "To keep children safe, we must ensure parents and employers are clear about how and when children and young people can be employed."
NSPCC statement
Health care
Everyone has the right to preventative health care. Article 35
What's at stake: Earlier this month, The Independent highlighted a new pill that could help hay fever sufferers, which the NHS will not prescribe because of cost. Critics say this clause could open the NHS to litigation
Expert opinion: "This article would not give much backing to any patient who took on the NHS."
Dr Evan Harris, member Medical Ethics Committee
You, Europe, and your rights
The Government is blocking an EU charter which would protect these fundamental rights for British people. Why?
The Independent, 22 June 2007
Prohibition of eugenic practices, particularly those aiming at the selection of person. Article 3
What's at stake: Science is seeking to eradicatedisabilities by genetic manipulation. It might be possible for parents to order a "designer" baby.
Expert opinion: "I would be totally opposed to any attempt to socially engineer people."
Ian Gibson, vice-president, Royal Society for Public Understanding of Science
No one should be subjected to torture. Article 4
What's at stake: Since the invasion of Iraq, British soldiers have found themselves in the dock over the abuse of civilian detainees
Expert opinion: "It is all the more deplorable when some of the most powerful men on earth seek to justify the use of torture."
Moazzam Begg, a torture victim and former prisoner in Guantanamo Bay
Human trafficking
Trafficking in human beings is prohibited. Article 5
What's at stake: This year the UN said that human trafficking had reached epidemic proportions. The Home Office said that in 2003, 4,000 women were trafficked into the UK for sexual exploitation
Expert opinion: "It is shameful that this country is trying to duck out of a charter that specifically prohibits child trafficking."
Louise Christian, human rights lawyer
Data protection
Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her. Article 8
What's at stake: A vast amount of data is stored on each of us already. From 2010, ID cards will be compulsory for anyone applying for a passport in the UK.
Expert opinion: "It's... a safeguard to protect the right of the individual in relation to the state."
Maurice Frankel, director, Campaign for Freedom of Information
Right to protest
Everyone has the right to freedom of assembly and of association. Article 12
What's at stake: Anti-war protests prompted the Government to bring in legislation to prevent unlicensed demos within quarter of a mile of Parliament
Expert opinion: "Allowing dissent in the form of peaceful protest is the hallmark of a country that understands respect for human rights."
Kate Allen, Amnesty International UK director
Working rights
Every citizen of the Union has the freedom to seek employment... in any Member state. Article 15
What's at stake: The Conservatives' fear is that Poles and other east Europeans have taken up jobs and housing at British workers' expense
Expert opinion: "People who come to work in the UK are providing vital services which would collapse without them."
Brendan Barber, TUC general secretary
No one can be removed to a state where there is a serious risk of torture. Article 19
What's at stake: The Government's determination to deport terror suspects to countries with questionable human rights records
Expert opinion: "In an effort to circumvent its obligations, the Government has secured 'memoranda of understanding' with Jordan, Libya and Lebanon."
Shami Chakrabarti, Liberty director
Industrial action
Workers have the right to take collective action to defend their interests, including strike action. Article 28
What's at stake: The right to strike has been restricted in the UK since the 1980s. There are rules about ballots andpicketing. None of these restrictions is mentioned in the charter
Expert opinion: "We back the right to strike, to negotiate, to fight against unfair dismissal."
John Monks, European TUC leader
Child exploitation
The employment of children is prohibited... except for limited derogations. Article 32
What's at stake: Could be a threat to family-run corner shops where children help out, or to the pocket money others earn from babysitting or paper rounds
Expert opinion: "To keep children safe, we must ensure parents and employers are clear about how and when children and young people can be employed."
NSPCC statement
Health care
Everyone has the right to preventative health care. Article 35
What's at stake: Earlier this month, The Independent highlighted a new pill that could help hay fever sufferers, which the NHS will not prescribe because of cost. Critics say this clause could open the NHS to litigation
Expert opinion: "This article would not give much backing to any patient who took on the NHS."
Dr Evan Harris, member Medical Ethics Committee
Rory's Comments:
And now the point has to be made and loudly: it is not 'Europe' or a European Constitution which threatens the fundamental rights of the British. It is the fascist attitude of our own governments (both Nu Labour and Tory) which are creating the police state!
It is Britain that is the odd-man-out when it comes to the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. That is the reality. Yet what we read in most of the mass media (utter lies of course) makes out 'Europe' to be the threat! These lies must be challenged by folk like you and me. The fascist policies of British governments must be challenged, by civil disobedience if necessary, and we must appeal to the European Union for help. It is our only, last chance!
This goes for all of us but especially for minority groups who are at the sharp end of the British government's fascist persecution.
The people of Britain are the victims of the treason of their own political leaders. In the name of God, how long will it be before they wake up to see the truth. The truth, not the shit that is being shoved down our throats by a Right wing, fascist establishment?
There is still time to fight these fascist chickenhawks. To give up the struggle before the battle is over is to be a coward and a defeatist. Worse still, to do so is to betray ourselves, our families and our most precious beliefs.
We must not surrender to them!
And now the point has to be made and loudly: it is not 'Europe' or a European Constitution which threatens the fundamental rights of the British. It is the fascist attitude of our own governments (both Nu Labour and Tory) which are creating the police state!
It is Britain that is the odd-man-out when it comes to the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. That is the reality. Yet what we read in most of the mass media (utter lies of course) makes out 'Europe' to be the threat! These lies must be challenged by folk like you and me. The fascist policies of British governments must be challenged, by civil disobedience if necessary, and we must appeal to the European Union for help. It is our only, last chance!
This goes for all of us but especially for minority groups who are at the sharp end of the British government's fascist persecution.
The people of Britain are the victims of the treason of their own political leaders. In the name of God, how long will it be before they wake up to see the truth. The truth, not the shit that is being shoved down our throats by a Right wing, fascist establishment?
There is still time to fight these fascist chickenhawks. To give up the struggle before the battle is over is to be a coward and a defeatist. Worse still, to do so is to betray ourselves, our families and our most precious beliefs.
We must not surrender to them!
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