Monday, September 03, 2007

Islamophobie : La Route vers un autre Auschwitz.
Les racistes français continuent à défier Blogger/Google avec des blogs d'Islamophobes
par Yazz13 @ 2007-09-06 - 13:35:58

L’ignoble groupe raciste et islamophobe qui s'appelle Grouik-Grouik a récemment souffert d’un choc lorsque Blogger a suspendu deux de leurs blogs intitulés « Cochon du Halal (Halal Pig) ».

Ces blogs ont clairement violé les propres limites d’utilisation de Blogger en insultant délibérément des musulmans et en employant la crainte pour inciter la haine religieuse. Un autre blog du groupe Les Grouiks appelé l’international porc Halal,, est resté inchangé et est encore ouvert de public.

Depuis la suspension initiale Les Grouiks a ouvert encore deux blogs distillateur, en utilisant Blogger. Bien que Blogger ait été informé au sujet de ces derniers, mystérieusement aucune mesure n'a été prise jusqu'ici.
Ils sont :

Ces deux blogs se sont donné la liberté de continuer à diffamer quiconque osera s'opposer au racisme et à l'islamophobie.

Dans le premier blog, le prophète Mohamed est accusé d'être un pédophile :

« Mahomet découvre la passion avec Aïcha mais il oublie opportunément de préciser que selon les textes coraniques, la gamine avait 6 ans lorsque Momo tombe amoureux (âge du mariage) et 9 ans lorsqu’enfin il finit par consommer le mariage (en clair la violer). Il omet aussi (quel étourdi…) de nous informer que, entre la mort de Khadija et le viol d’Aïcha, notre fougueux prophète s’est évertué, toujours selon les textes coraniques, à épouser une sacrée brochette de femelles. »

Avec beaucoup de déformations semblables de l'histoire c'est une calomnie commune qui a voyagé dans tout l'Internet parmi les haïsseurs de Musulmans. Mais prendre cela dans le contexte d'appeler un porc Halal de blog apparaît clairement que l’expression entière de ces blogs est une insulte calculée signifiant la diffamation et la diabolisation des Musulmans.

Depuis la suspension, Les Grouiks ont ouvert une mailing liste qu'on peut joindre chez

Sur joignant cette liste vous êtes envoyés à « une lettre d’introduction » dans laquelle vous verrez le héros de la franche historique, Charles Martel, sur son destrier avec une bannière déployée, et entendrez des « film-score » (je n'ai pas pu traduire ce mot veuillez m'en excuser) encourageant et appellant tous les patriotes européens de venir aider une Europe qui est maintenant censément sous la menace de hordes musulmanes (et par suggestion d'autres immigrés).

Plusieurs belles cartes postales scéniques d’églises françaises etc. (« Douce France ») sont sur l'affichage avec la suggestion que cet héritage est maintenant sous un péril mortel par, un exemple, le bâtiment des mosquées musulmanes auxquelles Les Grouiks s'opposent énergiquement.

C'est tout naturellement insensé. Le bâtiment des synagogues juives a-t-il jamais menacé la civilisation occidentale ? Seuls les racistes, les haïsseurs de Juif et les nazis pourraient penser ainsi.

Quiconque a vu l'architecture à Grenade dans l’Andalousie (Espagne) saura la beauté précieuse de l'architecture islamique. De même le Taj Mahal en Inde, un des grandes merveilles du monde et de beaucoup d'autres travaux stupéfiants d'architecture célébrant la civilisation islamique.

L’« Espagne est là où l'Europe finit et commence l'Afrique ! » et ce grâce au Calife de Grenade et sa Renaissance d'or menée à disparaître à cause de l'intolérance d’inquisiteurs bornés du Vatican et de l'âge noir qu'ils ont imposé à toute l'Europe. Ces créatures répugnantes qui se cachent derrière le patriotisme français et le droit à la liberté de la parole sont semblables, de nature noire.

Elles ont plus en commun avec les traîtres et les « fifth-columnists » (je n’ai pas pu traduire ce mot) d'une France de Vichy qui a facilité l’occupation d’Hitler avec la passation de juifs français à des camps de concentration. Elles n'ont aucun amour de démocratie, liberté et la tolérance et s’ils avaient la possibilité, elles nous récupéreraient tous dans les camps de concentration. Leur entretien trompeur n'en dupe aucun sauf le plus crédule, mais là est le danger.

Comme le Rabbin Américain Yoffie a récemment dit (voir l'article ci-dessous), l'Islam a été diabolisé par les médias traditionnels aux Etats-Unis et, en fait, partout ailleurs dans l'ouest. Ce fut un processus laid et mauvais. Satanique. Et les détritus derrière des blogs comme Les Grouiks (et il y a beaucoup plus non simplement en France mais aussi dans l'ensemble de l'Europe et ailleurs) font partie de cette laideur satanique.

Et les blogs sont seulement le pus évident qui suinte du cadavre malade du racisme et de l'impérialisme qui hante toujours l'esprit européen, une conséquence du « Heart of Darkness » (1899) nouvelle, Au cœur des ténèbres de Joseph Conrad, « Exterminer les brutes. » Derrière eux, vous pouvez être sûr, il y a de gros chats de capitalistes qui restent dans les ombres, prêtes à financer ces personnes de haine et leur vile religion de violence et de conflits plaçant un groupe de la société contre des autres, gauche contre la droite, race contre race, religion contre religion afin de diviser et de régner par le chaos.

Ce sont les disciples du chaos, les forces sataniques qui continuent à asservir l'humanité et à les maintenir dans un puits d'obscurité dans lequel il n'y a aucun espoir de quelconque avancement évolutionnaire et d'où le seul bruit est le sifflement des chambres de gaz allumées à nouveau.

Blogger et Google, en permettant à ces diables de se cacher derrière vos jupes, vous ne devenez pas les défenseurs de la liberté mais d'un mal apparenté à ce qui a par le passé égrappé l'Europe. Ces personnes emploieront vos services et les maltraiteront. Veuillez écouter la voix de la raison et expulser ces diables une bonne fois pour toute !

from Ouvrez les Yeux

Continuer svp à exiger la fermeture des blogs racistes ici


French racists continue to defy Blogger/Google with Islamophobic blogs

The despicable racist and Islamophobe group which call themselves Grouik-Grouik recently suffered a shock when Blogger suspended two of their blogs entitled Cochon du Halal (Halal Pig).

These blogs clearly contravened Blogger’s own Terms of Use by calculatedly insulting Muslims and using fear to incite religious hatred. Another blog by Les Grouiks called Halal Pig International,, remained unaffected and is still open to the public.

Since the initial suspension Les Grouiks have opened two further blogs, still using Blogger. Although Blogger has been informed about these, mysteriously no action has been taken so far. They are:

These two blogs are being given the freedom to continue to defame anyone who dares oppose racism and Islamophobia.

In the first, the Prophet Mohammed is accused of being a paedophile:

Mahomet découvre la passion avec Aïcha” mais il oublie opportunément de préciser que selon les textes coraniques, la gamine avait 6 ans lorsque Momo tombe amoureux (âge du mariage) et 9 ans lorsqu’enfin il finit par consommer le mariage (en clair la violer). Il omet aussi (quel étourdi…) de nous informer que, entre la mort de Khadija et le viol d’Aïcha, notre fougueux prophète s’est évertué, toujours selon les textes coraniques, à épouser une sacrée brochette de femelles.

Along with many similar distortions of history this is a common slander that has travelled throughout the Internet amongst Muslim-haters. But take that in the context of calling a blog Halal Pig and it becomes clear that the entire tone of these blogs are a calculated insult meant to defame and demonise Muslims.

Since the suspension, Les Grouiks have opened a mailing list which one can join at

On joining this list you are sent a ‘Letter of Introduction’ in which you will see the historical Frankish hero, Charles Martel, on his steed with a banner unfurled and hear a rousing film-score calling all European patriots to come to the aid of a Europe that is now supposedly under threat by the Muslim hordes (and by suggestion other immigrants).

Several beautiful scenic postcards of French churches etc (”Douce France”) are on display along with the suggestion that this heritage is now under a deadly peril by, for example, the building of Muslim mosques which Les Grouiks strenuously oppose.

It’s all nonsense, of course. Did the building of Jewish synagogues ever threaten western civilisation? Only racists, Jew-haters and Nazis might think so.

Anyone who has seen the architecture in Grenada in Andalucia will know the precious beauty of Islamic architecture. Similarly the Taj Mahal in India, one of the great wonders of the world and many other amazing works of architecture celebrating Islamic civilisation.

“Spain is where Europe ends and Africa begins!” and that thanks to the Caliphate of Grenada and its Golden Renaissance brought only to an end by the intolerance of the Vatican’s narrow-minded inquisitors and the Dark Age they imposed on all Europe. These disgusting creatures who hide behind French patriotism and the right to the freedom of speech are of a similar, dark nature.

They have more in common with the traitors and fifth-columnists of a Vichy France which happily welcomed Hitler’s occupation and the handover of French Jews to his concentration camps. They have no love of democracy, freedom and tolerance and given the chance would have us all back in the concentration camps. Their deceitful talk fools none but the most gullible but there is the danger.

As the American Rabbi Yoffie has so recently said (see article below), Islam has been demonised by the mainstream media in the USA and, in fact, everywhere else in the West. It has been an ugly and evil process. Satanic. And the detritus behind blogs like Les Grouiks (and there are many more not just in France but throughout Europe and elsewhere) are part of this satanic ugliness.

And the blogs are only the visible pus that oozes from the diseased corpse of the racism and imperialism that still haunts the European mind, a sequel to Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, “Exterminate the brutes.” Behind them, you can be sure, there are capitalist fat cats who remain in the shadows, ready to finance these people-haters and their vile religion of violence and strife setting one group of society against another, left against right, race against race, religion against religion in order to divide and rule through chaos.

These are the disciples of chaos, the satanic forces that continue to enslave humanity and to keep them in a Pit of Darkness in which there is no hope of any evolutionary advancement and where the only sound is the hiss of the gas chambers turned on anew.

Blogger and Google, by allowing these devils to hide behind your skirts you do not become the defenders of freedom but of an evil akin to that which once stalked Europe. These people will use your services and abuse them. Please listen to the voice of reason and expel these devils once and for all!

Please continue to demand the closure of all Grouik's racist sites here


  1. It's the same god they worship, as the Christians do. You know I've gone right off Muslims since last week, when that racist Layla Anwar, started bitching to me what "The English" have done. I pointed out to her that both Brown, and Blair, are Scots, as were most of Blair's fellow-travelers, but no, it is still "The English"s fault.

    Well stuff me, "The English" got conquered in 1066, and we haven't had much choice in what goes on ever since, and each and every one of those politicians swears allegiance to Mrs German Queen, not to "The English", and I also pointed out that she is still "Empress of India", just as much as she is "Queen of England". Hey, if you go around the world, you will find "Asians" in strange places, cos her Majesty's government tool them there, to lord it up over the locals. A good example that comes to mind is Uganda. Idi Amin, "the last King of Scotland", threw them all out. Asians are just as racist as anybody else. Pay them an extra pittance to slap their fellow humans around and they are as bad as anybody else.

    Oh yes, and let's deal with slavery. What is the first documented record of slavery? It's when Joseph's "loving" brothers sold him to the Arab slave traders.

    Now all you have to do is pick up a Bible, and actually read it.

    (Genesis 1:26) The [Elohim] said, "Let us make humanity in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and let them be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven, the cattle, all the wild beasts and all the reptiles that crawl upon the earth." Elohim is a plural word, including male and female, and should properly be translated "Gods" or "Pantheon." (1: 27) The Gods created humanity in the image of themselves, In the image of the Gods they created them, Male and female they created them. (1:28) The Gods blessed them, saying to them, "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and conquer it. Be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven and all living animals on the earth." Now clearly, here we are talking about the original creation of the human species: male and female. All the animals, plants, etc. have all been created in previous verses. This is before the Garden of Eden, and Yahweh is not mentioned as the creator of these people.

    The next chapter talks about how Yahweh, an individual member of the Pantheon, goes about assembling his own special little botanical and zoological Garden in Eden, and making his own little man to inhabit it: (Gen 2:7) Yahweh God fashioned a man of dust from the soil. Then he breathed into his nostrils a breath of life, and thus the man became a living being. (2:8) Yahweh God planted a garden in Eden which is in the east, and there he put the man he had fashioned. (2:9) Yahweh God caused to spring up from the soil every kind of tree, enticing to look at and good to eat, with the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the garden. (2:15) Yahweh God took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden to cultivate and take care of it. Now this next is crucial: note Yahweh's precise words: (2:16) Then Yahweh God gave the man this admonition, "You may eat indeed of all the trees in the garden. (2:17) Nevertheless of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you are not to eat, for on the day you eat of it you shall most surely die." Fateful words, those. We will refer back to this admonition later. Then Yahweh decides to make a woman to go with the man. Now, don't forget that the Pantheon had earlier created a whole population of people, "male and female," who are presumably doing just fine somewhere "outside the gates of Eden." But this set-up in Eden is Yahweh's own little experiment, and will unfold to its own separate destiny. (2:21) So Yahweh God made the man fall into a deep sleep. And while he slept, he took one of his ribs and enclosed it in flesh. (2:22) Yahweh God built the rib he had taken from the man into a woman, and brought her to the man. Right. Man gives birth to woman. Sure he does. But that's the way the story is told here. (2:25) Now both of them were naked, the man and his wife, but they felt no shame in front of each other. Well, of course not! Why should they? But take careful note of those words, as they also will prove to be significant...Now this next part is where it starts to get interesting. Enter the Serpent: (Gen. 3:1) The serpent was the most subtle of all the wild beasts that Yahweh God had made. It asked the woman, "Did God really say you were not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?" (3:2) The woman answered the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees in the garden. (3:3) "But of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden God said, 'You must not eat it, nor touch it, under pain of death." (3:4) Then the serpent said to the woman, "No! You will not die! (3:5) "God knows in fact that on the day you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil." What a remarkable statement! "Your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil." The Serpent directly contradicts Yahweh. Obviously, one of them has to be lying.Which one, do you suppose? And, if the serpent speaks true, wouldn't you wish to eat of the magic fruit? Wouldn't it be a good thing, to become "like gods, knowing good and evil"? Or is it preferable to remain in ignorance?

    Now I tried to point out to Layla Anwar that when Iraq was under the Goddess, the "fertile crescent" was a "garden of Eden", but up pops the followers of good old Jealous god to wreck the place; just like what happened here.

    Now you can keep on fighting "racist blogs" until you are blue in the face, but nothing is gonna change while Jealous god, the pathetic little boy god, who is so jealous of the Goddess, runs their lives.

    Everywhere Jealous god gets control, becomes a desert. But the British Isles, and Ireland, belongs to Brigid/Britannia, and She promised we would never be slaves. Oh, doesn't that sound like Genesis 1:26?

    And I'm sorry, but the Muslims are their own worst enemies, as are Christians. Their god made them that way; slaves!

    Oh, but if you check the Norse gods, like I told you, who is the troublemaker? Loki, the trickster god; he was just having a joke, which kinda reminds me of an old BeeGee's song, but I digress. The poor, pathetic followers of Loki have put us on a course for Ragnarok, which has an entry in Wikipedia; you can look it up. Nothing you or I can do, will stop it, unless the followers of the trickster god get back in their boxes, by the door, and just do as they are told.

    Hey, if they want a "Big Daddy" to slap them around, and seeing as they are always telling me how "God" restored Israel, when it was really Sir Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby, commanding the Egyptian Expeditionary Force; i.e an Englishman, it seems to me that they are admitting that their God was an Englishman, and I am telling you that as an Englishman, I am getting very pissed-off with whiny Christians, whiny Muslims, whiny Jews, and in particular, whiny Yanks, and for that matter, whiny Jocks who keep bitching about Culloden when half of them were fighting for the so-called "English King", but then again, half of them ran away to America, didn't they?

    So sorry, but Layla Anwar has made me lose any sympathy I had for Muslims. I'm now getting that attitude that maybe we should just kill all who trust so much in that "all-powerful god", and then he can sort them out. Then, and only then, can we children of the Goddess can get on with being Creative, without the jealous ones ruining everything.

  2. Once you get a bunch of losers "manifesting" a destiny, they are on a hiding to nothing, because they are now too good at that manifesting stuff, are they? They are just subbies, and the law of this world i.e. The Goddess Gaia-Sophia, is survival of the fittest; rule by the strong.

    If they want to manifest Armageddon, they are going to get Ragnarok instead, 'cos their manifesting is weak manifesting, and being subbies, and so needy of the approval of their "all-powerful god", they aren't going to back down; neither the Judeo-Christians or the Muslims.

    If you drive around England, there are no Union Flags flying anywhere, except on government buildings, but everywhere there are English flags. It's like the football season has had no end. They may now believe in the Goddess, but they can hear Her calling them, and that is why Brown is now falling over backwards to get out of Basra. He knows those English flags are flying all around; he knows Blair went too far; the corporation is now held together just by chewing gum and sticky tape and is going to fall apart. Any Muslim with any common sense, would be doing like the Jamaicans and heading back home; oh, but the slaves of the jealous god lack any common-sense, don't they? They think a sun-god is coming to "save them". Unfortunately their last sun-god died 2000 years ago; sun-gods are ten-a-penny; there have been at least 16 of them throughout history. There is only one living sun-god around, since the Japanese gave up their sun-god worship. He's in North Korea, and while the Yank Christians think he moves in mysterious ways, he has promised to visit them with wrath and vengeance; and he is also big mates with those "nasty Aryans" (Layla Anwar's words, but she's not a racist, is she?) in Iran.

    And let's get back to Hopi prophesy; hey, they are expecting their "Great White Brother" to "attack from the west" if you investigate. Oh, I wonder who their "Great White Brother" might be?

    Ragnarök is coming, unless those Yanks get the brains to realise that their favourite sun-god died 2000 years ago. But slaves of Yahweh are dumbed down, aren't they? Their god created them that way.

  3. Hi Maitreya, I can understand how you might feel after your run-in with Layla Anwar (name rings a bell but haven't come across her)blaming the English for all the troubles that Muslims are experiencing.

    I have just been dealing with Mr Asghar Bukhari's morons on the MPACUK forum who had the bloody cheek to give me a warning for publishing an article half in French and half in English!

    I was told that the MPACUK Forum is exclusively English-language speaking which is absolute nonsense. The article was from a French online newspaper which I translated into English.

    The irony is that several of MPAC's forum readers may be French-speakers from North Africa or the Middle East! But this guy insists on playing at being English!

    Sadly, the Muslim cause in Britain is seriously handicapped by morons like Mukhtar and Layla and they're not doing themselves any favours.

    But these neo-Nazis are real lowlife, spreading their poison over the Internet. And the Fench ones are carrying on the tradition of the fascist Vichy French who happily welcomed Hitler into France and handed over French Jews to him.

    I, too, have no time for all the nonsensical dogma in most religions with perhaps the exception of the Tao (not really a religion) and Sufism which praises the Divine.

    But I will defend the right of others to practise whatever calling attracts them as long as it doesn't lead to their persecuting others.

    Now you know that the greatest persecutors in any religion have been the so-called Christians of that vile corruption, the Vatican continued in what has replaced this old control-system by Consumer Materialism.

    Jehovah was an extremely jealous and violent guy (probably an early Thunder God) so it doesn't surprise me that his followers continue that tradition in their three flavours.

    But as Rabbi Yoffie says in the article below the persecution of innocent people for whatever reason is simply unjustifiable and so I totally support him in his efforts to reconcile Judaism and Islam.

    Any kind of reconciliation amongst humans whomever or whatever they worship has gotta be good, innit?

  4. Those who choose to force their manifest destiny on others should not be messing with things they do not understand. I give you the Voluspa - The Song of the Sybil, from Norse Poems 'Prophecy of the Seeress'

    Heidi men call me when their homes I visit, A far seeing Volva, wise in talismans. Caster of spells, cunning in magic. To wicked women welcome always.

    Arm rings and necklaces, Odhinn you gave me To learn my lore, to learn my magic: Wider and wider through all worlds I see.

    Outside I sat by myself when you came, Terror of the gods, and gazed in my eyes. What do you ask of me? Why tempt me? Odhinn, I know where your eye is concealed, Hidden away in the well of Mimir: Mimir each morning his mead drinks From Valfather's pledge. Well would you know more?

    Of Heimdal too and his horn I know. Hidden under the holy tree Down on it pours a precious stream from Valfather's pledge Well would you know more?

    Silence I ask of the sacred folk, Silence of the kith and kin of Heimdal: At your will Valfather, I shall well relate The old songs of men I remember best.

    I tell of giants from times forgotten. Those who fed me in former days: Nine worlds I can reckon, nine roots of the tree. The wonderful ash, way under the ground

    When Ymir lived long ago Was no sand or sea, no surging waves. Nowhere was there earth nor heaven above. Bur a grinning gap and grass nowhere.

    The sons of Bur then built up the lands. Moulded in magnificence middle-Earth: Sun stared from the south on the stones of their hall, From the ground there sprouted green leeks.

    Sun turned from the south, sister of Moon, Her right arm rested on the rim of Heaven; She had no inkling where her hall was, Nor Moon a notion of what might he had, The planets knew not where their places were.

    The high gods gathered in council In their hall of judgement. all the rulers: To Night and to Nightfall their names gave, The Morning they named and the Mid-Day, Mid-Winter, Mid-Summer, for the assigning of years.

    At Ida's Field the Aesir met: Temple and altar they timbered and raised, Set up a forge to smithy treasures, Tongs they fashioned and tools wrought;

    Played chess in the court and cheerful were; Gold they lacked not, the gleaming metal Then came three, the Thurs maidens, Rejoicing in their strength, from Giant-home.

    The high Gods gathered in council. In their hall of judgement: Who of the dwarves Should mould man by master craft From Brimir's blood and Blain' s limbs?

    Motsognir was their mighty ruler, Greatest of dwarves, and Durin after him : The dwarves did as Durin directed, Many man forms made from the earth.

    Nyi and Nidi, Nordri, Sudri, Austri and Vestri, Althjof, Dvalin, Bivor,Bavor Bombur, Nori, An and Anar, Ai, Mjodvitnir, Veignr and Gandalf, Vindalf, Thorin, Thror and Thrain, Thekkur, Litur, Vitur, Nar and Nyradur, Fili, Kili, Fundin, Nali Hefti, Vili, Hanar, Sviur, Billing, Bruni, Bildur,and Buri, Frar, Hornbori Fraegur, Loni, Aurvangur, Jari, Eikinskjaldi: All Durin's folk I have duly named,

    I must tell of the dwarves in Dvalin' s host; Like lions they were in Lofar's time: In Juravale's marsh they made their dwelling, From their Stone hall set out on journeys,

    There was Draupnir and Dolgthrasir, Har, Haugspori, Hlevangur, Gloi, Dori, Ori, Dufur, Andvari, Skirvir, Virvir Skafidur, Ai, Alf and Yngvi, Eikinskjaldi, Fjalar and Frosti, Finn and Ginnar: Men will remember while men live The long line of Lofar's forbears.

    Then from the host three came, Great, merciful, from the God's home: Ash and Elm on earth they found, Faint, feeble, with no fate assigned them

    Breath they had not, nor blood nor senses, Nor language possessed, nor life-hue: Odhinn gave them breath, Haenir senses, Blood and life hue Lothur gave.

    I know an ash tree, named Yggdrasil: Sparkling showers are shed on its leaves That drip dew, into the dales below, By Urd's well it waves evergreen, Stands over that still pool, Near it a bower whence now there come The Fate Maidens, first Urd, Skuld second, scorer of runes, Then Verdandi, third of the Norns: The laws that determine the lives of men They fixed forever and their fate sealed.

    The first war in the world I well remember, When Gullveig was spitted on spear-points And burned in the hall of. the high god: Thrice burned, thrice reborn, Often laid low, she lives yet,

    The gods hastened to their hall of judgement, Sat in council to discover who Had tainted all the air with corruption And Odhinn's maid offered to the giants,

    At the host Odhinn hurled his spear In the first world-battle; broken was the plankwall Of the gods fortress: the fierce Vanes Caused war to occur in the fields.

    One Thorr felled in his fierce rage; Seldom he sits when of such he hears: Oaths were broken, binding vows, Solemn agreements sworn between them.

    Valkyries I saw, coming from afar, Eagerly riding to aid the Goths; Skuld bore one shield, Skogul another Gunn, Hild, Gondul and Spearskogul: Duly have I named the daughters of Odhinn, The valiant riders the Valkyries.

    Baldur I saw the bleeding God, His fate still hidden, Odhinn's Son: Tall on the plain a plant grew, A slender marvel, the mistletoe.

    From that fair shrub, shot by Hodur, Flew the fatal dart that felled the god, . But Baldur' s brother was born soon after: Though one night old, Odhinn's Son Took a vow to avenge that death.

    His hands he washed not nor his hair combed . Till Baldur's bane was borne to the pyre:, Deadly the bow drawn by Vali, The strong string of stretched gut, But Frigga wept in Fensalir For the woe of Valhalla. Well, would you know more?

    I see one in bonds by the boiling springs; Like Loki he looks, loathsome to view: There Sigyn sits, sad by her husband, In woe by her man. Well would you know more?

    From the east through Venom Valley runs Over jagged rocks the River Gruesome.

    North, in Darkdale, stands the dwelling place Of Sindri's kin, covered with gold; A hall also in Everfrost, The banquet hall of Brimir the giant.

    A third I see, that no sunlight reaches, On Dead Man's Shore: the doors face northward, Through its smoke vent venom drips, Serpent skins enskein that hall.

    Men wade there tormented by the stream, Vile murderers, men forsworn And artful seducers of other mens wives: Nidhogg sucks blood from the bodies of the dead The wolf rends them. Well, would you know more?

    In the east dwells a crone, in Ironwood: The brood of Fenris are bred there Wolf-monsters, one of whom Eventually shall devour the sun.

    The giants watchman, joyful Eggthur Sits on his howe and harps well: The red *****, called All-Knower Boldly crows from Birdwood.

    Goldencomb to the gods crows Who wakes the warriors in Valhalla: A soot red hen also calls From Hel's hall, deep under the ground.

    Loud howls Garm before Gnipahellir, Bursting his fetters, Fenris runs: Further in the future afar I behold The twilight of the gods who gave victory.

    Brother shall strike brother and both fall, Sisters' sons defiled with incest; Evil be on earth, an age of. sleeperdom, Of sharp sword-play and shields clashing, A wind-age, a wolf-age till the world ruins: No man to another shall mercy show.

    The waters are troubled, the waves surge up: Announcing now the knell of Fate, Heimdal winds his horn aloft, On Hel's road all men tremble

    Yggdrasil trembles, the towering ash Groans in woe; the wolf is loose: Odhinn speaks with the head of Mimir Before he is swallowed by Surt's kin.

    From the east drives Hrym, lifts up his shield The squamous serpent squirms with rage The great worm with the waves contending The pale-beaked eagle pecks at the dead, Shouting for joy: the ship Naglfar

    Sails out from the east, at its helm Loki With the children of darkness, the doom-bringers Offspring of monsters, allies of the wolf, All who Byleists's brother follow.

    What of the gods? What of the elves? Gianthome groans the gods are in council The dwarves grieve before their door of stone, Masters of walls. Well, would you know more?

    Surt with the bane of branches comes From the south, on his sword the sun of the Valgods, Crags topple, the crone falls headlong, Men tread Hel's road, the Heavens split open.

    A further woe falls upon Hlin As Odhinn comes forth to fight the wolf; The killer of Beli battles with Surt: Now shall fall Frigga's beloved.

    Now valiant comes Valfather's son, Vidar, to vie with Valdyr in battle, Plunges his sword into he son of Hvedrung, Avenging his father with a fell thrust.

    Now the son of Hlodyn and Odhinn comes To fight with Fenris; fiercest of warriors He mauls in his rage all Middle-Earth; Men in fear all flee their homesteads; Nine paces back steps Bur's son Retreats from the worm of taunts unafraid.

    Now death is the portion of doomed men, Red with blood the buildings of gods, The sun turns black in the summer after, Winds whine. Well, would know more?

    Earth sinks in the sea, the sun turns black, Cast down from Heaven are the hot stars, Fumes reek, into flames burst, The sky itself is scorched with fire.

    I see Earth rising a second time Out of the foam, fair and green; Down from the fells fish to capture, Wings the eagle; waters flow.

    At lda's Field the Aesir meet: They remember the worm of Middle-Earth, Ponder again the great twilight And the ancient runes of the high god

    Boards shall be found of a beauty to wonder at, Boards of gold in the grass long after, The chess boards they owned in the olden days,

    Unsown acres shall harvests bear, Evil be abolished, Baldur return And Hropt's hall with Hod rebuild, Wise gods. Well, would you know more?

    Haenir shall wield the wand of prophecy, The sons two brothers set up their dwelling In wide Windhome. Well, would you know more?

    Fairer than sunlight, I see a hall A hall thatched with gold in Gimle: Kind Lords shall live there in delight for ever.

    Now rides the Strong One to Rainbow Door, Powerful from heaven, the All-Ruler: From the depths below a drake comes flying The dark dragon from Darkfell, Bears on his pinions the bodies of men, Soars overhead: I sink now.

    And as for all who serve the jealous god, I give you my special prayer, to the Goddess certain Yankees kindly gave me; they, rather stupidly, thought Nemesis was a god:

    Winged Nemesis, turner of the scales of life,
    blue-eyed Goddess, daughter of justice,
    who, with your unbending bridle,
    dominate the vain arrogance of men and,
    loathing man's fatal vanity, obliterate black envy;
    beneath your wheel unstable and leaving no imprint,
    the fate of men is tossed; you who come unnoticed,
    in an instant, to subdue the insolent head.
    You measure life with your hand,
    and with frowning brows, hold the yoke.
    We glorify you, Nemesis, immortal Goddess,
    Victory of the unfurled wings, powerful, infallible,
    who shares the altar of justice and, furious at human pride,
    casts man into the abyss of Tartarus.

    Furthermore, they were too stupid, and too arrogant, to realise that Nemesis is an aspect of Andastre - The Warrior Goddess whom Queen Boudica worshipped. Oh, I wonder why those British soldiers are so fond of their "lucky rabbit's feet"? Do they know whom they really honour when they do that? It isn't any god of Israel who protects them.

  5. Rapetout, I'm not going to tolerate the kind of abuse you have just sent so you might as well shut it.

    I know you hang out with those creeps on 5 Years Later. Well, go back to your Vichyite friends in France and don't trouble us.

    However, if you wish to say something in a civilised way I will consider it. I know how you people abuse your freedoms and snigger at folk who allow that freedom.

    Your name, Rape-all, should tell folk what kind of mentality you must have. ASBOs are too good. Better long term labour and re-education, I think.
