USUK Preparations for the Apocalypse?
In an inexorable build-up of propaganda and military encirclement prior to a first strike attack on Iran, the Bush junta, along with its London quislings, have switched their anti-Iranian propaganda from nuclear issues to accuse the Iranian government of "meddling" in Iraq and supplying Iraqi guerillas weapons with which to fight the US and British occupying troops.
The evidence for such allegations was always sketchy and reminiscent of the concocted lies about Yellowcake Uranium and WMDs, used by Bush and Blair to drag their people into a genocidal war crime against a much weaker country.
The evidence for such allegations was always sketchy and reminiscent of the concocted lies about Yellowcake Uranium and WMDs, used by Bush and Blair to drag their people into a genocidal war crime against a much weaker country.
Now, an independent research organization, the British American Security Information Council, has produced its own report on the alleged involvement of Iran in Iraq.
"Whatever the true extent and nature of Iranian military action in Iraq," the report concludes, "few independent analysts believe Tehran is playing a decisive role in the sectarian warfare and insurgency."
Instead, the report suggests that "other, more strategic motives also lie behind the considerable US political energy being expended on highlighting the Iranian role in Iraq. Iran may present a useful scapegoat to divert the blame for failures in Iraq away from the occupying powers."
"Recent allegations must also be considered in the context of the current crisis surrounding Iran’s nuclear programme. If Tehran can be cast as a source ofregional instability in the eyes of the international community, then the US administration’s hand will be strengthened as it seeks support for stronger measures to oppose Iranian nuclear ambitions."
"In particular, should the administration decide to embark on a military strike – an option which it says is still ‘on the table’ – then garnering public and political support in advance would be vital. Without it, the global unpopularity for military action would likely greatly exceed the opposition to the invasion of Iraq."
"In particular, should the administration decide to embark on a military strike – an option which it says is still ‘on the table’ – then garnering public and political support in advance would be vital. Without it, the global unpopularity for military action would likely greatly exceed the opposition to the invasion of Iraq."
Meanwhile, in an extremely disturbing statement, John Reid, the UK's Home Secretary (Minister of the Interior) has threatened to implement emergency powers in order to derogate Britain's obligation to uphold the European Convention of Human Rights. If emergency powers were to be implemented as an excuse to extend the fake "war on terror" then Britain will, to all intents and purposes, become a naked dictatorship. And even if bully-boy Reid's stepping-down from office in late June were to put such a threat on the back-burner it is more than likely that his successor would continue with such a policy.
Derogation of the European Convention on the basis that there is an emergency threat would need the approval of both Houses of Parliament. But that would be a mere issue of technicalities to a dangerously Manichaean, Blair-Brown regime which, as before, would simply organize yet another Black Op crime against its people in order to plunge the country into a full blown totalitarian state prior to further domestic or international crises such as an apocalyptic nuclear attack on Iran.
I believe it is extremely significant that moves by Blair and Reid to steer Britain into a state of permanent emergency and dictatorship is happening at the very time when Bush is making similar moves in the USA. The two are taking place in coordination with each other as a transatlantic conspiracy to finally do away with so-called liberal democracy. And it is the chief players, the US and the UK, in the Anglo-Saxon alliance of 21st century imperialism that are leading the world into this darkness.
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KK Off topic. I see you commented on the Portuguese journos blog/
I followed up the link he gave to the leading Portuguese newspaper Diario de Noticias
"não terem saído da mesa para irem ao quarto ver os filhos, enquanto jantavam", which my tame Portguese says means "They did not leave the table to go to the room during their meal" - this was a statemnt from the Ocean Club staff member interviewed by Police.
I have not found this anywhere in the English Press.
Rum do.
Carrying on the Off Thread topic here: yes, isn't it curious how not only have the UK Press not commented upon it but have made any criticism of the McCanns into a taboo area!
ReplyDeleteI simply cannot believe that suddenly they were getting all caring and compassionate. There's an agenda here which is most likely one of keeping the public distracted with interminable Maddy reports while Blair slips in further "anti terror" legislation to turn Britain into a fully-blown dictatorship.
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'"Individual," please declare your IP address and Domain.
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Sounds a bit Orwellian to me. Don't I have a right to unknownity?
Not on my blog, you don't, not when you make sneering, time-wasting comments like that. You sound just as flippant as the Grauniad's nasty Michael White.
ReplyDeleteSo you are censoring me. What about freedom of speech? Does that have a place on your blog?
ReplyDeleteYou're quite right. You ARE being censored on this blog.
ReplyDelete(1) Blogs are private journals so it is up to the blog owner to decide what is and isn't allowed, just as in the society in which we live.
(2) Your initial comments were written in a sneering manner which didn't deserve an intelligent reply.
(3) I am not here to argue with you. My blog is my perception of the world whether you like it or not. I am not here to convert you or anyone else, simply to express my views of what is going on.
(4) So don't waste my time. If you have something to say, say it in an intelligent, civil manner. Otherwise. bugger off, ok?