Monday, February 09, 2009

Secret police unit set up to spy on British 'domestic extremists'

A secret police intelligence unit has been set up to spy on Left-wing and Right-wing political groups.

The Confidential Intelligence Unit (CIU) has the power to operate across the UK and will mount surveillance and run informers on ‘domestic extremists’.

Its job is to build up a detailed picture of radical campaigners.


Rory's Note: The fact that the CIU has been set up by the Association of Chief Police Officers should be noted as a further significant move in the politicisation of the UK police force. It is too often forgotten these days that the police are a civilian force whose primary job is to protect the public. Instead, the police have become increasingly militarised and politicised, two essentials in the creation of a totalitarian, police state.

See also associated articles here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

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